# Title Presenters Module
37 Evorie Reuther Fabian Game Lab I

This is a result of the Game Lab 1 module, which provides an introduction to conceptual and technical approaches that are necessary for the development of computer games. It covers the basics of game design, tools for the design and development of computer games, the general software architecture of computer games, conceptual and functional aspects of game engines (input and output, graphics, physics & artificial intelligence) and modern game architectures.

Module: Game Lab I



39 Ultimate Baller Klauck Meiko Game Lab I

An 3D third person shooter with a dungeon like level system. Eliminate enemies and complete objectives to upgrade your weapons to defeat even the strongest enemies. Procedural generation and a unique character design bring fun and enjoyment into the game, even for long sessions.

Module: Game Lab I



38 Mailcat Scheermann Eric Game Lab I

This is a result of the Game Lab 1 module, which provides an introduction to conceptual and technical approaches that are necessary for the development of computer games. It covers the basics of game design, tools for the design and development of computer games, the general software architecture of computer games, conceptual and functional aspects of game engines (input and output, graphics, physics & artificial intelligence) and modern game architectures.

Module: Game Lab I



40 Mach 1 Marble Miller Dennis Game Lab I

A 3D momentum-based "platformer" in the style of Super Monkey Ball, in which you control a marble by constantly pushing it. In every stage, the goal is to go fast enough to pass the obstacles, and the faster you go, the more stages you unlock!

Module: Game Lab I



D6 Demo-6-AIDwatch Alexander Kuon Hauke Wendt Demo

AID-Watch - Smartwatch for Cognitive impairments AID-Watch, a smartwatch concept for people with cognitive impairments, visualizes time and daily schedules. Initially conceived 2.5 years ago as a university project, it has since undergone empirical validation in real-life scenarios with potential users and is now a university spin-off as StartUp INCLUSYS. Eine Smartwatch für kognitive Beeinträchtigungen AID-Watch, ein Smartwatch-Konzept für Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen, visualisiert Zeit und Tagespläne. Das vor 2,5 Jahren als Universitätsprojekt konzipierte Konzept wurde inzwischen in realen Szenarien mit potenziellen Nutzern empirisch validiert und ist nun als StartUp INCLUSYS ein universitäre Ausgründung.

Module: Demo



D3 Demo-3-Car-To-Desk Fabian Machalett Demo

Car-To-Desk Creating VR Prototypes for Collaborative Workspaces in Autonomous Vehicles Erstellung von VR-Prototypen für kollaborative Arbeitsbereiche in autonomen Fahrzeugen

Module: Demo



D2 Demo-2-TooClose Jana Krauss Demo

Cyberbullying Awareness and Prevention in VR Cybermobbing-Bewusstsein und Prävention in VR

Module: Demo



D9 Demo-9-Virtually-Me Jinghuai Lin Demo

Virtually Me - Identity Management in Social VR Identitätsmanagement in der sozialen VR

Module: Demo



D4 Demo-4-Talk-To-Move Christian Merz Jonathan Tschanter Demo

Real-time speech-to-animation tools for digital avatars Echtzeit-Sprache-zu-Animationstools für digitale Avatare

Module: Demo



35 Ghost and Beans Born Hannah Game Lab I

The two players are moving through the level searching for the exit. Doing so, they have to cooperate to solve puzzles, find extra lives and avoid enemies.

Module: Game Lab I



D8 Demo-8-KIdT Juliette Classen Demo

KidT Forum Leveraging AI for Digital Transformation: How can your Bavarian company benefit? KI für die digitale Transformation nutzen: Wie kann Ihr bayerisches Unternehmen davon profitieren?

Module: Demo



41 Lightless Wander Zagrajewska Julia, Phetsananh Sophie Game Lab I

Traverse twisted labyrinths with a limited field of vision and avoid monsters lying hidden in the dark. Capture pacified creatures and take them with you to bring together a new found family of your own, all while gathering items needed to rebuild your destroyed home. Escape the dangers of the cursed forest and discover pieces of your past life.

Module: Game Lab I




D5 Demo-5-DebiasingMEdia Smi Hinterreiter Demo

Debiasing MEdia Detecting and indicating media bias in news articles with advanced natural language processing Automatische Erkennung und Anzeige von Media Bias in Nachrichtenartikeln durch Natürliche Sprachverarbeitungstechniken News articles can convey more than just facts; they can include opinions and ideologies. The presentation of news significantly influences readers’ worldviews and democratic decision-making. This phenomenon, known as media bias, often goes unrecognized. NewsUnfold is a news reading platform that highlights instances of media bias in articles using recent advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) classifiers. Additionally, it provides a News Nutrition Label, informing readers about the article’s trustworthiness, its outlet, and its language style. Through a human-in-the-loop feedback mechanism, readers can share their perspectives and contribute to the improvement of future classifiers. NewsUnfold is a prototype designed to enhance critical reading and media literacy through AI assistance, enabling the public to participate well-informed in democratic discourse.

Module: Demo



42 Satans Little Helpers Reichold Moritz, Lazarus Noah Game Lab I

Satans Little Helpers is a local coop game in which you play two little demons that have been tasked to defend hell from heaven's oncoming attack. The screen is split into two parts. The top part is a room where the players move around and interact with their surroundings. The bottom part acts as a battleground for your and the enemie's troops. The goal of the game is to defend your portal against oncoming waves of enemies. You cannot directly attack the enemy, but you can interact with various chests from which to get different materials. At Fabricators you can combine two of them to create a body part of which there are 3 types - torso, weapons and movement. Of every bodypart there are again 3 different variations, that you can create by changing the materials you use. In turn, combine one of each bodypart at the altar to build a unit, that you can then send to the battlefield via the teleporter. Each unit has unique strengths and weaknesses depending on which variations of bodyparts it has. A unit with the ghost movement type for example may only take half the damage from meelee and ranged attacks, but three times the damage from mage weapons. Enemies also have different abilites just like your units, so they also share your strengths and weaknesses. Your task is to react to the different types of enemies and build units that resist the enemies' strenghts and exploit their weaknesses.

Module: Game Lab I




D1 Demo-1-Pro-2-Pro David Obremski and Seminar Students Demo

With the Vision Pro, Apple has launched a device that is set to fundamentally change the world of work. Spatial computing allows virtual windows to be placed in the real environment. The user can also adjust the degree of immersion from see-through to full immersion. But what are the real benefits of working in an immersive world? This study investigates the effect of different degrees of immersion on selective attention and the quality of collaborative work. Mit dem Vision Pro hat Apple ein Gerät auf den Markt gebracht, das die Arbeitswelt grundlegend verändern wird. Spatial Computing ermöglicht es, virtuelle Fenster in der realen Umgebung zu platzieren. Der Benutzer kann außerdem den Grad der Immersion von "durchsichtig" bis "vollständig" einstellen. Doch welche Vorteile bietet das Arbeiten in einer immersiven Welt wirklich? In dieser Studie werden die Auswirkungen verschiedener Immersionsgrade auf die selektive Aufmerksamkeit und die Qualität der Zusammenarbeit untersucht.

Module: Demo



36 The Wretched Ostrovskyy Nicole Game Lab I

Time is running out, Anima is sacred - Welcome to the World of The Wretched. You take control of a strange creature known as a "Wretched". It's life force, also known as "Anima", is slowly fading... it's fate is in your hands. Learn to manage the little time you are given carefully - the only way to win back what has been lost is a substance called "Animus", that is harvested by slaying foes and exploring the deserted world. The Wretched is a survival horror game that focuses on the aspect of management. The player will have a limited amount of time to clear the levels before facing defeat. On top of that they will also be faced with the challenge of balancing their Anima with their Animus, which are both vital to survival in the world of The Wretched.

Module: Game Lab I



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